Fortune Arterial Translation Patch

This is certainly the Distro Web page of Anime-Sharing Translations Fortune Arterial Project (Formerly ChuuTranslations). In situation you cannot download the data files below or have any problem with the patch, make sure you drop by our for support.
- This Site Might Help You. RE: Where can I download the visual novel Fortune Arterial and a english patch? And how would I install the english patch?
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30 Oct 2012 And another Partial Patch launched! 09 August 2012 Yet another Incomplete Patch released! 18 Come july 1st 2012 Another Incomplete Patch launch! 01 Apr 2012 Partial Patch released!
Please notice below for download hyperlinks. Please link the web page instead of the download hyperlinks since they are usually randomly created. Partial Interpretation Plot v0.4 Incomplete Translation Patch v0.5 Partial Translation Patch v0.6 Partial Translation Spot v0.7.1 This patch adds the translation for the Normal route, Kiriha path, Kanade path, Shiro route, and the Poor finish. This patch is examined to function on the unique edition of the game. However, the initial edition of the sport is simply no more time for selling. Please verify if you possess trouble obtaining it.
This is the Distro Page of Anime-Sharing Translations Fortune Arterial Project (Formerly ChuuTranslations). In case you cannot download the files below or have any problem with the patch, please drop by our Forum for support.
Take note: It is advisable to uninstall previous patch first (Windows Uninstall) before using the new one. Filesize: 26.2MW md5: 56AF4C2BD8F9F78BE3E326 Windows 7 x64 repair If you operate the game on Windows 7 a64, and are having problem with the game.
Apply this patch and begin it more than. Do not weight from a save game. Do test to make use of this patch if you have got any issue releasing the sport regardless of your OS. Credit score to the first creator Filesize: 18.04KT md5: 6D273D96CDe uma8997F2B795D.